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SOAR Values

SOAR is about people, not forms. Success comes from compassion, persistence, and confidence in using SOAR and the tools it offers. You do NOT need to become an expert in SSA regulations or have all the answers.

SOAR Core Values

The SOAR program is value-based and people-focused. Below are the core values that guide our approach to assisting individuals in the disability benefits application process. Click on each to learn more!


Respect is a fundamental right that all persons deserve. Revealing personal information to a case worker in the application process requires a level of trust, and trust requires mutual respect.


People experiencing homelessness, mental illness, substance use disorders, trauma, and legal system involvement often have had few opportunities for choice. Offering choice is one way to demonstrate respect.


Always offer hope for recovery and maintain an awareness of the many struggles that diminish hope. Emphasize a person’s strength and resilience, even as you go about documenting challenges in functioning.

Recovery is possible

Family, friends, and even service providers often lose sight of this fact. Take every opportunity to offer and encourage hope for recovery. Access to benefits is only one stepping stone to recovery - encourage work and other personal goals.

Person-first language

Use the words “persons” or “people” first. For example, "people who have schizophrenia" (not “schizophrenics”), people with disabilities (not “the disabled”) and "People who are experiencing homelessness" (“not homeless person” or “the homeless”).

Celebrate diversity

Show respect for cultural diversity and seek to better understand the diverse backgrounds of the people you serve to help ensure access to appropriate treatment and services.

Abolish prejudice and discrimination

Work to eliminate prejudice and discrimination. Our society often perpetuates prejudice and discrimination against people who have experienced mental illness, substance abuse, trauma, or legal system involvement.  Promote respect for individuals and understanding of the many challenges they face. Correct misconceptions and dispel myths.


Adult Course
January, 2013

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